As cultured individuals, we were quite astonished at just how much fun we've been having at fly baiting. No, I'm not talking Venus fly traps. Just your plain and simple sticky fly tape that you see hanging in dodgy kebab shops. I couldn't stop laughing last night when Sarah took it upon herself to be the sticky tape sticker-uperer. On her first attempt she got the roll stuck to her chin! Bless, she wasn't too pleased.
We've now placed a bet to see how many flies will be attached to said devices by the end of the week. Is that gross? So far, we just have one poor we soul. Answers on a postcard please. And whilst we're at it, why do flies seem to fly in a square pattern? Can you tell that we're living in the country?!
Tell Sarah from me to face up to the pre-30's facial hair and get down to the salon for a wax. Fly tape is a cheap imitation and she will end up permanently disfigured. It's also hard to tell what's a fly leg and what's a chin hair.
Yours in hirsuteness
anni x
It's the spiders' legs that always get me ;-)
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