Thursday 29 November 2007

In the red

I have an inherent tendency to put things off, this is something that I'm constantly "working" on. Sometimes I wonder if I should just let myself be me, or, should I conform and just get my act together?

I left the house on time this morning, grabbed my latte and some toast on the way to work as usual and decided to grab some diesel en route. I was already in the red but figured I had enough to make the 4 miles to the petrol station.

Pulled into the petrol station when I noticed that ALL of the diesel pumps were covered! Imagine my horror! I got out of my car and asked the attendant if they were sure they didn't have any left, could they not squeeze a few drops out? "No" they replied. Shit!

I then preceded to drive to the nearest station with an average speed of 30mph in 6th gear - just in case. Luckily I made it to the station without running out of fuel. Lesson learned!

1 comment:

Disco said...

Not that you appear to require much guidance ;-) but for moments of weakness, as have been alluded to in this post, may I refer you to The Procrastination Flowchart.