Wednesday 7 November 2007


As I type this, I can feel my central heating dry my skin. Luckily I succumbed the other weekend and bought some moisturiser. I did it all on my own, and I managed to spend less then a tenner! I don't understand why women would want to spend mega bucks on facial cream. When are people going to just accept that skin matures?! It's part of you, it's your journey. Your frown lines, your laughter lines, and that mole that your gran tried to scrub when you were a kid thinking it was chocolate. Why do grandparents do that lol? And it's always with a really old tissue that's been up their sleeve or in their pocket for ages. The tissues always have that foosty-tissue-nice-gran-smell. My gran used to smell of Oil of Olay, formerly known as Oil of Ulay.

Sarah came over last Thursday. Although she's back in the flatlands, she's even closer than before. She re-confirmed her prime position as my mate for life on Saturday. When, upon seeing the BT ads with the guy from 'My Family' exclaimed - "What's he doing playing a parent/adult?!" Aaah, domestic bliss :-). Every fricken time that ad comes on I ask the same question. He's so unbelievable as a grown up!

Now it's only 9 more sleeps till I'm over there.

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