Tuesday 30 September 2008

Saxa-ma-phooooone, saxa-ma-phoooone!

To fulfil a long time goal of mine, I've just recently started music and saxaphone lessons. I figured that Belgium, being the home of the sax is the best place to learn. The sax lessons just started last week and I've been taking the notes lessons for a couple of weeks now. It would appear there's quite a thriving community at the local music academy.

Sarah helped me sign up to all the courses and luckily for me, as I've never really studied music before, both my teachers speak English and Sarah promised me that she'd put me in the class with other oldies. So I head into my first sax lesson the other day only to be greeted by 2 rather proficient sax playing sub-10 year-olds. No adults lol, just me and the kids. The nice thing, it kinda takes away the competitive edge! Aaaand, it will help with my Flemish too!


Greet said...

I think you don't need to worry about coming across someone who doesn't speak English in this country :) (Apart from kids of course.)

Music academy is great, I miss it! Good luck with your lessons (and with learning Dutch from the kids :P), and the saxophone is a very good choice indeed :)

Pathological procrastinator said...

Hey Greet,

Tis true about the language, but it's nice to make the effort. And if I don't try then I'll never learn he!

What do you play?