Tuesday 26 August 2008

Mag ik een afspraak maken aub?

I made my very first doc's appointment all in Dutch, no English, and all on my own. This is what the receptionist heard:

Jo: "Hi, I'd like to make an appointment please"

Rec: "Sure, when would you like to come over?"

Jo: "Em, around 6 on Tuesday afternoon. Can it be 6;30 please?"

Rec: "Yes, that's fine. What's your name?"

Jo: *cough* "Sorry ." *cough, splutter* "Excuse me, I have a penis stuck in my mouth*."

*Disclaimer - I actually said this line in English and I did say peanut but according to my work colleagues it sounded like penis lol! I didn't realise at the time and thought that I'd done really well lol.

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