Monday 2 February 2009

Height of ignorance

I like to think that Sarah knows me better than anyone. She can easily pick up on my moods, or thoughts that perhaps I'd rather keep to myself. She knows when I'm battling not to take that last piece of chocolate or one more slither of Speculoos from the jar. I like to think that my girrel knows me well!

Well, you'd think.

Today we had my health insurance form returned. Why I hear you ask? Because Sarah had put yours truly down with a height of 1 metre! 1 METRE!!! I'm 5 ft 2 and a 1/4 in my socks. I know she has this thing that she's taller than me -only just, by the way- but 1 metre! Really. And to think that she has a Phd that involves taking measurements ;p

1 comment:

Dr.Pew said...

In my defense, you are only wee.

easy mistake to make. ;p