Sunday 9 August 2009

Time for a new perspective.

Believe me when I say that I am relieved to my very core that I'm ok. My mobility is getting better each day which is such a reassuring development for both Sarah and I to see. The more I think about the accident, the more I realise how lucky I was on Monday to be alive let alone minimally injured. Fortunately, this leaves me with an excellent opportunity for some soul searching and a chance to change the things that weren't going so well before the accident. I'm taking it that the accident was my wake-up call.

I was lying in bed last night when I began to wonder what if I had died. And what if someone had asked me after death, if you could go back and change some things what would you do differently. Before this week I'd normally answer this question with a rather defiant - "I have no regrets." I know I've made the wrong choices along the way, but at the time, I guess they seemed like the correct decisions for me. Hindsight is indeed a perfect science and after this week, I know there are things I would certainly do differently.

The first answer that popped into my head was to have more PDAs with Sarah. It's not that I'm not big on public affection, I just prefer to keep it between me and Sar. Sarah on the other hand -and which I have the utmost respect for- is a fully paid member of the PDA club.

Next on the list is to rebalance my work-life ratio. At the moment it is severly weighted towards work. I know this can be changed. It has to change.

I also have to get out and meet more people and take more Dutch lessons. This is the main reason why so much of my energy has gone into work.

It's funny, because I know life is too short. Some times it's just too easy to get lost in the day-to-day, forgetting just how short it really is. It's not rocket science. It's just action. I'm sure there will be more things added to this list as the days go on.


Andy Kerr said...

Hey Jo

Glad to hear that you're alright (ish)... surely there must be some Gent-ish cycle lanes to take you to work... those cars are dangerous places to go...

Taking stock is always a good thing and I think we all have things that we'd have done differently along the way.

Wishing you well.


Daphne Wayne-Bough said...

So sorry to hear about your horrendous accident, and glad your injuries are not too serious. Nothing like a brush with mortality to get us thinking about the bigger picture. Get well soon!

Pathological procrastinator said...

Hi Andy: Thanks for that.

How are things down under?

Yes, normally I ride to work, but I haven't done that much this year :( it's the whole work-life ratio again. I'll be ordering some new bikes when I get back so that I choose to leave my laptop in the office.

Thx Daphne :)

Andy Kerr said...

Things down under are good Jo... winter here approximates to spring / autumn at home. Loving riding bikes all the time right now, as much as it impacts on work.

If there's one good thing to come out of your accident it's more blogposts... my recollection of Amsterdam airport is some very smelly smokers rooms that I had to hang around near when my dad and I holidayed in Florida... so I remember it being smelly too!