Monday 24 August 2009

Onto the next level

Now that I'm partly a lady of leisure I decided to register for my next level of Dutch lessons. BTW, the partly refers to my inability to move properly not my gender.

I had to take my certificate along from the level 1 course that I took at Gent university. I was quickly informed that the level 1 course 'here' is 120 hours versus my 60 hours in Gent. Of course, I quickly explained that the Gent course was super super intensive and therefore more difficult that the rather slow 120 hours 'here.'

We reached a midway point which involved me taking writing, reading, oral and IQ tests. I think it's easier to get into Oxford. Not that I'm competitive or anything, but I had what would have been a 100% score snatched straight from my hands!

There was a copy of an invitation to a party that started at 20:00. The question was "at what time does the party start?" So I write at 8 o'clock, I mean, everyone knows that parties don't start at 8 in the morning right? I argue that they are both the same. Oh noooo! It had to be at twenty zero hundred hours didn't it. Because everyone in Belgium does army speak right? I think not! Result: 1 point deducted!

End result: all tests passed and I'm onto level 2. Woohoo!

1 comment:

lamazone said...

You go girl! Or in Dutch: mijn aap is net gewassen!