Sunday 6 January 2008


I was planning on getting an early night ce soir, but, I'm feeling the urge for another Green and Black's hot chocolate. And, I kinda feel that I just need to have a conversation, even *looks around the room and whispers* if it is kinda with myself. At the risk of sounding slightly demented, I started talking to myself out loud tonight when I was cooking my dinner. Unfortunately for me the voices didn't say "Jo! What are you thinking? Peanut butter is great on yer toast but not here!" It wasn't even anything profound, I think I just needed to hear vocals, not from the radio, and not from the tv. But out loud, and directly in my space.

It comes down to the fact that this is a period of adjustment after the luxuriant indulgence of Sarah's company over the holidays.

Aerosmith's "I don't wanna miss a thing" is playing on the radio as I write this *grin*. Very appropriate lol. It's things like this that make me chuckle. A couple of weeks ago I was sitting in Starbucks, I had my usual spot by the window with my coffee and muffin, happily watching people go by. I saw a man go past with his daughter, he was pushing his grandchild in a pram. The man looked very proud as they walked down the street. It got me thinking of my Dad, and how he'd be if I ever had a child. For a very short while, I contemplated what it would be like to have a child *meep*. I have to admit that the thought did warm to me. So naturally I texted Sarah to alert her. To warn her that for the first time in my life, I could be reluctantly tip-toeing my way into a wee hormonally driven clucky period - my disclaimer being that I'm in my 30's now you know, I have no control over this! Just as the text was sent. A child, in pram, came into view,waving and smiling - DIRECTLY AT ME! *MAJOR MEEP*. Was this some sick sign from above?! I felt like I was in some sort of "Chucky" movie. I had visions of the child catapulting out of their pram and splatting onto the window laughing deriously at me whilst banging their bottle against one of the panes...I need to cut back on my e-numbers!

I've had that second hot chocolate btw, and some toast with real butter mmm. I should stop eating just before I go to bed. Meh. I've made my lunch for tomorrow though. That's an achievement for a procrastinator. I just can't be arsed ironing a shirt because I need ALL my energy to get out of bed to get to the gym before work. In all the 365 days in 2007, I only made it to the gym before work once. 2008 will be different *crosses fingers behind back*. I read the other day that women are more likely to stick to new year's resolutions if they tell pple about them. We'll see how tomorrow works out eh.

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