Friday 21 March 2008

Friday faff

Sarah promised me that the climate was much more exotic in Belgium than in Scotland, my thoughts being, well, it's closer to the equator, so that must be true, eh?!

Well. Not once have I had to get out the factor 30! I'm gutted because my class has finished for the Easter break and I wanted to get out on my bike today. With the forecast of sleet, snow and strong winds I think the ride will have to wait :-( G-U-T-T-E-D! Cobbles and ice aren't a good mix for a cyclist, but fun to watch nonetheless.

So, my plans for today are:

1. Read yesterday's Guardian which I begrudgingly pay 3 euros for every other day. For whatever reason I can't find a shop (winkel is shop in Dutch and that just cracks me up) that sells today's Guardian. *hmph*

2. I'll try really hard not to get oil on Sarah's nice wooden floors.

3. Maybe I'll put a wash on...

4. Faff on the internet. It would appear that the computer is my new best friend, which I have issues with.

5. Maybe I'll swot -I did yesterday which is an achievement for a PP- and finish off my revision for this week. Ik heb, heb jij, hebt u...and the list goes on.

I've got a presentation that I need to do you see, well, everyone in the class has to do it. We need to put together a 5 minute number about a hobby, job, family etc, etc. Then the class will have questions for you afterwards. It's kind of like show and tell lol, I'm thinking this is not the time for powerpoint and laser pen. Perhaps family tartan, a couple of bottles of Irn Bru, shortbread biscuits and some haggis will do the trick. If only I'd packed my Jimmy hat!

1 comment:

Sara said...

Lol. Never thought about "winkel" that way.