Thursday 18 June 2009

Cleaner uperer

I was relieved to see that the cleaning lady had been today and she's done a fanstatic job and... nothing has been broken this time. She was meant to come last week but didn't. This was frustrating because I'd gone to the effort of writing a very long note in Dutch for no one to read it.

Today she's had a cup of water but left the cup unwashed by the sink. Contradiction or what?

Not that I begrudge her this. I just think that if she's gone to all the effort of tidying the apartment, that she could do the honours of washing her cup instead of me having to wash it! Kind of defeats the whole purpose of having help!


Greet said...

You mean ... you don't stay in when the cleaning lady comes? Isn't that pretty dangerous if you don't know her? :-/
Congrats on the Dutch note, I'm sure it was perfect ;)

Pathological procrastinator said...

Well, Sarah is normally working from home when she cleans.

It is pretty dangerous as you'll see in my next post ;)