Friday 19 June 2009

Phone home, I doubt it!

Just bought a new phone.

Instruction manual 1 - Dutch. Instruction manual 2 - French.

This will be interesting...


Sara said...

What's the phone model? There's a sh*tload of manuals to be found on the interwebs. :)

(Btw, I had to think of you and food today and I wondered whether you had already heard of this store in Everberg: We've been there a couple of times now, just to have the feeling we're in Britain, so maybe you should try it once too. :D)

Pathological procrastinator said...

Hey Sara, thx for that, I just found some online. Phew!

Thx for the suggestion - I've been looking for a British shop for ages. The last one we stumbled on was in Apeldoorn or somewhere random like that. I'll look forward to spending some Euros there ;)