Tuesday 21 August 2007

Awww naw!

I decided that I wouldn't bring any treats to work today, a decision that I'm so regretting. This was based on the fact that I awakened at 1.45am this morning and grabbed a choc waffle. I'm really bad, or really good (depending on which angle you view it from) at mid-sleep snacking. Picture Homer S lying in bed, belly protruding, crumbs on hairy chest and choc around his mouth - that's me, only I have more hair on my head!

I've looked in my drawer and all I have is out of date powerbars - don't ask, a very very small box of half eaten raisins, a vanilla powergel, and some toothpaste. I'm sure there's a recipe in there somewhere! Luckily for me, I'm heading over to a friend's for dinner after work. Admittedly, I'm not the best cook. I think it's more can't-cook-wont-cook type thing. Basically, if it can fit in a toaster then I'm there!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ENOUGH WITH THE POWERGEL! who would eat lube? even it had anabolyic steroids in it?!
(and bollocks no, i'm not up in the burgh til september... call thursday though!)