Sunday 19 August 2007

Day 1

So, I've just hugged my girrelfriend goodbye after a having her very close for the past 5 days. I wanted to have her linger in my sight for as long as possible, so I lead her out onto the motorway. Just to be sure that she took the correct exit that would take her south. Apparently not everyone is as dizzy as me - I always miss that junction!

My "plan" for this afternoon was to read the Sunday paper for a short while, then do some work. Famous last words! I read an interesting article about a blogger from Brussels who's just had her blog published and it's inspired me to start a blog. Now, I know I should be working. That's the problem with procrastination. You always know what you should be doing, but it's sooo much fun doing something else! Factor in that I'm a wee bit of an instant gratificationist. I genuinely wonder how I ever get anything done! Okey-dokey, I'm off to fiddle around with my new page lol!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well done you for getting such a good blog address!