Monday 20 August 2007

Raaaah - Mondays!

Is it wrong that I keep hitting refresh on my browser so the my visit counter keeps increasing? Is it wrong that I had a choc waffle for my breakie and my elevenses?

I've decided that I'm in a grump today.

I snoozed until 7.59, at least an hour later than I should have. That was me trying to exercise the last amount of control before I had to commence my work day. Luckily for me I can get ready and dressed quickly, aka wonder woman style. The downside being that I fell out the shower when I started my first spin. Tonight, I'll be mostly filling in some holes in my bathroom wall and putting back up the shower curtain.

I guess the only saving grace is that we're all in this Monday mode together. The fact that I feel grumpy is somewhat put into perspective knowing that I'm not the only one.

Dear reader, if you're wading your way through Mundane-Morning blues, share it with us and get it off your chest! If nothing else, it's a good feeling knowing that others are suffering too!


Anonymous said...

Hurrah! Monday is nearly over!
Lovely to read your news my dear but a poor substitute for a proper natter. Please donate some of your free minutes to MOI as soon as possible. And stop with the chocowafflepeanutbuttergorge... you've always been a bit chubby and this could be the thing that tips you over the edge into obesity. And noone needs to see a fat bird spilling over her razor bike seat. Oh no!
A x

Pathological procrastinator said...

Ya cheeky git Annika! In my defence, I'm stocking up on protein and carbs due to my intense training schedule!

Shall give you the proverbial buzz on Thursday if you're around. I'm heading to the Edi festivals this weekend if you're back home?