Thursday 23 August 2007

Such a perfect day!

I had the perfect start this morning. My girrel called for a wee morning chat and to tell me that my breakkie was ready (I pretend that she's calling me from the phone downstairs lol). I found a 50p-piece in my money jar this morning so that was the start to this morning's cawfee fund. And then discovered that I actually had 2 choc waffles left instead of one - result! *grin*

On my way to work supping my cawfee and chomping on my toast I got stuck behind a fricken tractor. Now, call me narrow-minded, but in the bike world, those bikes with skinny baldie tyres stay on the road and those with big chunky tyres go off road. So what in the hell are tractors doing on road? I think it's a conspiracy, with tyres like those they can obviously plough through fields not to mention the odd fence, small forest or house. So why, why, why, do they insist in going on road and holding up normal road goers en-route to work?!

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